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Monday, July 31, 2006

Photo tag

Well, I think this guy is amazing. I saw this tag on my Buddy's and Celeste's sites yesterday and wandered on over to the source and found it to be Chuck.

The aim is to find a picture of a point in your life when you were "bright eyed and clueless" as to what the future will hold for you. I have seen some of the reactions to the tag like Frog with a blog and it inspired me to dig into my pics as well. This is a scan of a picture taken while I was in High School. I might add that it is a good 21 years ago and boy was I bright eyed and clueless back then. Can't say I am better off now, but at least I am still bright eyed!!!!

Have a laugh at my expense, it is ok, I have left myself open for it....

You might want to pay Chuck a visit to see what else he published of me.

Ok, well there you have it a before and after pic of myself within a couple of days. So much for staying somewhat anonymous.


  • At 10:40 AM, Blogger Katt said…

    You looked like this in high school? Not fair!

  • At 5:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i thought it was a great photo! and Chuck really did love the second one ;)

  • At 8:23 PM, Blogger AngelConradie said…

    wow- you looked so cute!
    i gotta find me a picture- this is a really cool tag!

  • At 12:43 PM, Blogger Framesby 86 said…

    Katt - You're right, it isn't fair. I wish I looked like that now!!!!

    Xmichra - Glad you stopped by. I am so glad he enjoyed it. I don't normally send pics of my boobies to people I don't know, but he is so charming that I couldn't resist!!!

    Angel - Thank you and I am waiting to see your picture!!!! So tag, you're it!!!

  • At 8:54 PM, Blogger whatalotoffun said…

    nice photo - you did look young and clueless. like the tan

  • At 1:27 PM, Blogger Bosbefok said…

    Hi Buddess
    Clueless..... ? I do know about that :-) It sometimes kinda pays to let people think youre clueless.... You get away with much more that way ! I got a really cool picture in mind to post for mine, but it will have to wait till i get back. Hope you are on high ground , I believe its flood time in PE again ? Dig out the wellies and float the canoe !!
    Dont some of your mates have rubber ducks lying around ...LOL

  • At 2:12 PM, Blogger ChittyChittyBangBang! said…

    Nice photo!
    I doubt you were ever clueless... bright-eyed certainly.

  • At 1:47 PM, Blogger Framesby 86 said…

    Whatalotoffun - You have a point. Those days I was clueless regarding the sun....last time I sported such a nice tan.

    Bosbefok - now why would I have mates with rubber ducks????

    Chitty - Thank you and just remember that flattery will get you everywhere!!! Where is your picture?

  • At 8:00 PM, Blogger Chuck said…

    hey lady, thanks for the mention, i wish i could have got your photo to post this large, it looks good, thanks again.

  • At 9:21 AM, Blogger Framesby 86 said…

    Chuck - I just love the flattery this pic got me. Sorry that I sent it to you so small. I didn't realize it at the time, but it still looks good in your post!!!!


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