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Tuesday, October 11, 2005

When you're feeling blue...

I am having a blue day. I think it must be something floating in the air. It is just one of those days that started wrong and hasn't gotten any better until I opened this email..

"Never let yesterday's disappointments overshadow Tomorrow's dreams"
"Your life is like a mirror, if you face it smiling, it smiles right back!"

I don't know who designed it, but I hope they will forgive me for using this today. It has made a difference to my day and I thank him/her for it!!! So, I decided to put a smile on my face and all of a sudden there is a smile in my voice too. What a wonderful thing friends are. I am sure my friend who sent the email to me had no idea that I was feeling kinda blue. If I had a drink in my hand at this time, I would toast all the wonderfull people out there who unwittingly and unknowingly make a difference with little gestures like simply forwarding an email.

Don't get me wrong, I am not encouraging people to forward all those silly things that Terri wrote about on her blog. I am not a fan of chain letters and "if you don't forward this within the next 5 minutes, your big toe will fall off" kind of nonsense, but I'm a softie at heart and who can stay blue if Tweety smiles at you so sweetly.


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