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Monday, October 02, 2006

You're only as old as you feel

I don't want to start boring you with all the reunion stories, but I had so much fun. Another amazing aspect of the reunion made me realize that when I was 18, I considered a 38 year old as an old person. But, now here I am. THIRTY EIGHT YEARS OLD, but I don't feel old. I still feel 18. Ok, maybe not 18, but closer to 28!!!

I had the perfect opportunity to just snap away and what I found amazing was the fact that the ladies at the reunion looked so smashing. I am not saying the guys didn't look good, but let's just say that Father Time looked after some of the ladies very well!!!!

Maybe I was just lucky to be in a class full of beautiful people, let me show you what I mean...

oh, and then of course, I shouldn't forget about Mr Lesotho and Mr Brut(in the middle - dancing)

The best part of the weekend happened on Saturday night when almost everyone went onto the dancefloor and made a big circle and everyone danced together. That was when I knew this was a huge success!!!

Thank you to all who attended. Thank you for traveling so far to spend a weekend with us. Thank you for all your kind words and thank you for coming with such a positive attitude. It made all the nights of little sleep worth it.

See you at the next one!!!!


  • At 11:42 AM, Blogger Katie Possum said…

    The ladies do look lovely, but it probably doesnt hurt that reunions are so terrifying to women, who then starve and primp for weeks in advance ;0

  • At 10:39 AM, Blogger Chuck said…

    i'm glad that it went well and that you had a good time, my 20 year reunion was in 2002 and it was a blast too, i was amazed at how everyone turned out, everyone was extremely decent and well mannered, even the ones who were butt-heads back in the day. take care.

  • At 12:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    My 10 year reunion was nothing like this but then I did go to an all girls school. This looks like it was a lot of fun!

  • At 12:33 PM, Blogger DelBoy said…

    Looks like you all had heaps of fun! I haven't been to a reunion yet, but I'm thinking of organising one right here in London 'cos there are so many of my classmates in the UK!

    I saw my best friend from school days for the first time in 6 years at the end of last year!! It was great to catch up again!

    Now look what you've gone and done... I'm homesick!! :-(

  • At 12:48 PM, Blogger Framesby 86 said…

    Kate - Let's just say that some of the ladies tried that, but we are all only human!!! I was one of them, but I guess I could have tried harder...heeheehee

    Chuck - That was something that I also noticed. The geniune interest that showed astonished me. No bragging, no contests, just plain interest and admiration.

    Katt - One disadvantage of an all girls/boys school, but I am sure they have other advantages ;-)

    Del - I am so sorry!! I didn't mean for you to get homesick, but I do like the idea that you will organize a reunion for all your schoolmates there!!! It is worth it!!! We have schoolmates there and 2 of them were able to make it to the reunion.

  • At 6:44 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    These pics are great. I actually had that exact thought while looking through the pics in the previous post ... that Mr Time appears to have been kinder to the ladies ... but I felt a bit skaam to say so. Thanks for the special dedication of a Black Label pic for ME - I feel honored. The irony is I don't even drink so it's strange that I especially noticed that one hey. I would love to have a reunion of my Standard 5 class from South Africa - I don't think there are many of us left there at all.

  • At 3:35 PM, Blogger AngelConradie said…

    it looks like you had an absolute jol!
    and time has indeed been very kind to a lot of you girls!
    mr lesotho just has the cutest dimples and smile!


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