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Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Revealing oneself

Hi guys. I am still around, I promise. I have been extremely busy at work. The two jobs have now changed into one full time position. I am also busy arranging a reunion for our high school class. I have been contacting and looking for classmates and have managed to find just over half of the class of 230. Believe me, the people are spread all over and many have relocated overseas. The people I have managed to find, is full of anticipation and I am surprised at the eagerness and interest. I am in for a busy couple of months until the reunion in September. I haven't even been able to play with my camera much. My laptop and phone and telephone directory have been receiving all the attention lately. I can hear my camera screaming at me from my handbag. It is always nearby, but I don't think it likes being pushed aside at all.

After the recent interview done by Reluctant Nomad, I haven't had too many readers. I think my honesty scared some people away. That is however the risk you take. Maybe there was a certain mystery that has now disappeared. I am what I am and having had a relatively tough life, I am happy to be who I am today. I am a happy several times divorced middle class white South African female who works hard at my job and even harder on my family. I love life and all it has to offer.

In a previous post, I mentioned a friend and I also published pics she sent to me. This friend has now outdone herself and she sent me the following picture. It is a collage of my life so to speak. Have fun and laugh your head off. Yes, I'm the one pulling the funny face.

I thought that this was so special and wanted to share it.


  • At 4:02 PM, Blogger ChittyChittyBangBang! said…

    I don't think u scared ppl away. The blogs are just slow, i think, and traffic has been a bit down.
    We stil love u Buddess... interview or no interview!
    Love the pcs... you were(and still is) one cool chicca

  • At 8:57 PM, Blogger Terri said…

    Hi you, I'm still around too - been so busy with life I haven't been blogging much. Trying to play catch-up this evening in between making supper.
    Love the pictures, btw!

  • At 11:46 PM, Blogger Reluctant Nomad said…

    I'm definitely still around although I've been out of blogland for a while. Like Chitty, I think you are one cool chick so I am sure you haven't scared anyone away.

    Cool pics!

    Btw, do you know you posted this entry twice? That doesn't count as two posts you know, you lazy cow, i mean, chick. :-)

  • At 10:25 AM, Blogger Framesby 86 said…

    AAAAAA Chitty, you say the nicest things. Love you too!!

    Terri - Tasha is so sweet isn't she. Glad to report that I am not that fat anymore!!!

    Nomad - Look at me being overly revealing again!! Just can't stop myself. hahaha Thanks for the kind words. I was hoping nobody noticed that slip. Fingers faster than the brain again. I also noticed that Blogland seems to be slow. Must be the onset of changes in seasons.

  • At 11:28 AM, Blogger Bosbefok said…

    Hey there Buddess

    We r all still around...... I think the slownes comes with age
    :-). Same with Brain finger co-ordination ... Tell Tash we say hi.
    She still got FJ's ?

  • At 11:32 AM, Blogger whatalotoffun said…

    I am still here 2. We love you to much. I just love your new hairstyles. makes you look 10 years younger and suites you so much.

  • At 4:06 PM, Blogger Reluctant Nomad said…

    See, people ARE here! And you are liked/loved/wanted/desired/etc!!

  • At 4:41 PM, Blogger whatalotoffun said…

    just back to say you really are a friend in a million.

  • At 10:37 AM, Blogger Reluctant Nomad said…

    And, see, here we come back again! But I see no more revelations! Curses!

    Enjoy the long weekend.

  • At 9:54 AM, Blogger Framesby 86 said…

    Bosbefok - Tash says hi back at you and yes she still has FJ's.

    Whatalotoffun - Thank you sweetness and so are you

    Nomad - I like the way you think Nomad.... why stop now, it was getting juicy..hahahah and you are visiting my site more than I am lately. Will have to kick my butt into gear won't I??



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