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Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Sofi's Grandmother

I was cleaning out my mailbox today and came across this joke. I have completely forgotten about it and I laughed so hard, I almost fell of my chair.

Sofi was a prostitute, but she did not want her grandmother to know about it.

One day the police raided the whole group of prostitutes at a sex party in a hotel and Sofi was among them. The police took them outside and had all the prostitutes line up along the drive way. Suddenly Sofi's grandma came by and saw her granddaughter.

Gogo asked. "Why are you standing in line here dear?"

Not willing to let her grandma know the truth. Sofi told her grandmother that the policemen were passing out free oranges and she was just lining up for some.
"That's very nice of them. I think I'll get some for myself" said grandma and went to stand at the back of the line. A policeman was going down the line asking for information from all the prostitutes.

When he got to grandma, he exclaimed, "Eish, Still going at it at your age? How do you do it?"

Grandma replied, "It is easy dear. I just take my false teeth out, rip the skin back and suck them dry".

The cop fainted!!!!!! and everybody dispersed.


  • At 6:03 PM, Blogger Terri said…

    LOL! Always good to find a good joke I haven't heard before :)
    I like the new look blog, Buddess!

  • At 6:56 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    This is H.I.L.A.R.I.O.U.S. - loved it. Thanks! xox

  • At 11:33 AM, Blogger Framesby 86 said…

    Terri - Welcome back and thank you!! I like to play around with all the things I have discovered and seeing that I am almost a seasoned blogger, I like to add something new and it keeps it exciting!!!

    Dawn - So glad you enjoyed it!!!

  • At 1:08 AM, Blogger AngelConradie said…

    oh my goodness- now i need my asthma pump!


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