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Friday, May 26, 2006

My flood pictures

Yes, I also took some pictures of the flood. It was incredible and I think the last time I saw so much water was in 1981 when I was still in primary school. We have had big rains since, but not as bad as this. I took these photos from inside my car and the rain still got me as you can see from the drops on the lens. The first is the road I normally travel on to work. It was just mud and water.

Then the day after the flood, the Swartkopsriver came down. Mr B phoned me to bring my camera and I couldn't believe what I saw.

Ok, maybe not what you would have expected when I said the river came down. It is actually what came down the river that was so interesting. You see all those weird green patches, well it isn't land or grassland but this....
it came down the river in hundreds and thousands and was so bad that a fisherman got stuck and had to get off his boat and push himself to safety...


  • At 8:20 PM, Blogger Terri said…

    Thanks for posting the pics - wow! I went & looked at some photos on the web. Well, you guys said you needed rain..! I remember the floods of '81 too, a long long time ago :)

  • At 8:05 PM, Blogger LiVEwiRe said…

    Oh yuck! I remember living in a house that got flooded and it's an awful feeling. Hearing the waves is great, just not at your window sill. Hope things dry up a bit for you!

  • At 3:09 PM, Blogger Reluctant Nomad said…

    The last floods I experienced were in Mozambique in the late seventies. Tropical cyclone stuff.

    These floods look really impressive..must have caused a lot of damage even if you did need the water.

  • At 11:59 AM, Blogger Bosbefok said…

    Looks to me like some people prayed too hard for rain :-) Everything in moderation......
    Thanks for dropping by my Blog last year....
    Haha !!

  • At 12:24 PM, Blogger Framesby 86 said…

    Terri - I was still in primary school then and we had to carry the little children on our backs to get them to safety.

    Livewire - Cleared up and dried up way too quickly!! Still waiting to hear what the effect was on our dam levels.

    Nomad - Most damage was to our already poor roads and we have been left with potholes all over the place...

    Bosbefok - If I get my hands on those people, they will be praying for something else... Have they not heard about moderation? oh and I visit you often, read your jokes and then go away - don't always have something to say, believe it or not!!!

  • At 8:44 PM, Blogger Ben O. said…

    Wow, those are some intense photos.

    Ben O.


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