Ok, now that I have your attention, what would your idea of a perfect reunion be? Now, as you may be aware, I am busy planning a 20 year reunion for our Matric class and I am stumped as to what to do to ensure a successful unforgetable weekend. I have heard and considered all the normal activities, but I want to do something different. What do you guys think? A lot of people couldn't care less about such events, but seeing that people are going to spend good money on this weekend, I would like to make it worth their while. About half of the people will be coming from far and I don't want them to make the trip back home on Sunday or Monday and think "What a waste of money". I want them to drive away and think "Shame on the guys who didn't attend. They really missed out big time!"
Any ideas, suggestions, clues, all above board obviously and no skinny dipping allowed in the school swimming pool!!
Robbie Williams as entertainment wouldn't be too bad, so use your contacts and see what you can do for me.
Any ideas, suggestions, clues, all above board obviously and no skinny dipping allowed in the school swimming pool!!
Robbie Williams as entertainment wouldn't be too bad, so use your contacts and see what you can do for me.
At 10:13 AM,
Flea said…
Hi Buddes,
Dankie vir jou 'comment' op my blog. Ek was baie verbaas en bly om jou daar te kry. Jy het seker gesien ek het al van jou leeu gebruik gemaak, het jy die foto geneem??
Ja-nee ek kan nog goed Afr. praat! My kinders en man is engles maar ek het 'n SA vriendin en ons 'gooi die taal nog lekka'.
Dankie vir die uitnodiging om na jou foto's te kom kyk, ek sal beslis!!
Nou, reunion idees:
Laat hulle lag! Paintball? Hulle sal selfs die bruises kan sien vir weke.
Wine cruise or tasting?
he he, ek sal dink en jou laat weet!
Mooi bly
At 11:55 AM,
Reluctant Nomad said…
Now that's a difficult one. Depending on the weather, some outdoor event could be planned. Braai and games of the sort you may have played at school but which won't crack any bones. eg beach volley ball or, even, touch rugby. Or cricket.
Also, depending on how long it is since the ones who live far away have been there, a tour of some of the places you used to go to at school even if they have deteriorated badly.
Depending on how much time you have, it may be fun to make up something funny from old pics and stuff to hand out to everyone. And, if people are going to drink and eat, play some games based on how people were and how they are now. That could be difficult to work out but fun if done properly.
Actually, maybe just a good meal and drink where everyone has a chance to mingle and leave it to chance. It could prove a great success but you can't force it.
Whatever happens, I hope it goes well. No vrying agter die bikeshed, ok?
At 11:34 AM,
Framesby 86 said…
Hannelie - baie welkom hier en jy mag kom kuier so veel as wat jy wil. Ek hou van die paintball idee. Sal dit natuurlik teen die onnies speel!!!!
Nomad - We are actually doing a cd with photos and songs and video clip messages that will be handed out as an attendance gift. Seeing you mention it, has confirmed my thought that it was a brilliant idea. As for vrying agter the bikeshed, they took the bikeshed away, but the pavilion is still there!!!!
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