How to insult an Afrikaner...
I am an Afrikaans speaking South African. As a result of a constant English versus Afrikaans struggle, several derogatory terms have been used to refer to either Afrikaans or English speaking people. I did a google search and came across the following explanations:
Dutchman: (Not a Hollander). Slang for an Afrikaaner. Warning: Don’t call anyone this to their face, particularly if they love red meat, drink Klippies (brandy) and Coke and wear socks up to their knees.
Rockspider/Dutchman: A derogatory term for an Afrikaner.
Afrikaner name for an Englishman, or an english speaking South African.
An english speaking South African term for an Afrikaner - Hey, you rock spider! Who you calling a 'soutpiel'? Come here and I'll klap your lights out!"
Now, I know all countries have something similar to this. For instance in America you have trailer trash.
Trash is appropriate vocabulary for Springer’s show, since the word can also be used to describe most of his guests. As a noun, it means a person of low behavior, usually from a “bad” family. An interesting subgroup is trailer trash: poor, trashy people who live in prefabricated homes (trailers) in trailer parks. Though you can find trailer trash anywhere in the US, they are usually stereotyped as ignorant Southerners
And in America a Redneck means something completely different
Redneck, a related term, describes a bigoted rural Southerner. According to southern comedian Jeff Foxworthy, you might be a redneck if you have more tattoos than teeth, shave your legs with your husband's fishing knife, have a Jack Daniel's poster in your living room, answer the door carrying a shotgun, and have at least once thoughtfully placed a six-pack of beer into your friend’s casket before he was buried. While rednecks are not identical to trailer trash, it is entirely possible to belong to both groups at the same time.
So, in other words, a Dutchman=Rockspider=Redneck=Trailer Trash and I am definitely not one of those and you can therefore understand my hate (yes Hate) of the word. Two other prime examples are the use of the word Nigger(African Americans) and Kaffir(Black South Africans). If you call someone a kaffir in South Africa, said person can sue you. Can I sue someone for calling me a Dutchman? Now that will open up a whole new can of worms. If you have any more of these offensive words out there, please let me know about them.
Please feel free to visit here for some more interesting South African words and sayings.